
This paper summarizes the results of a 2-yr study aimed at assessing the 300-sq mile acid mine drainage impacted area within Southern Illinois, funded by Section 208 of PL 92-500. The 208 Plan focused on upgrading existing water quality through reclamation of mine-related pollution sources, especially those pertaining to past mining activities, utilizing monies generated under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (PL-95-87), providing for a national reclamation fund based on a surtax on all present and future coal production. Study program elements included: inventorying all mine waste sources within the Big Muddy and Saline River Basins; conducting a long-term sampling and flow gaging program to provide water quality data throughout the two watersheds; and development of a computer-based simulation model of the two river systems to allow for assessment of water quality for both present and future projected conditions as well as assessment of reclamation and mine waste control feasibility throughout the area.

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