
S. Michael Angel, the Fred M. Weissman Palmetto Chair in Chemical Ecology at the University of South Carolina, is the recipient of the 2015 Southern Chemist Award sponsored by the ACS Memphis Section. The award is given annually to honor outstanding researchers who have brought recognition to the South by their activities and accomplishments. Angel’s research focuses on applications of spectroscopy to extreme environments, such as deep-ocean hydrothermal vents, and planetary exploration. He is a member of the SuperCam science team for the upcoming Mars 2020 mission. Nominations are being sought for the 2016 Southern Chemist Award. Nominees should be U.S. citizens, have worked in the South at least 10 years, and have at least a 10-year record of accomplishment. In addition, nominees must have actively participated in ACS events and brought recognition to the South through their work. Nominations should consist of a letter containing biographical details and

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