
The south pole bang-time diagnostic views National Ignition Facility (NIF) implosions through the lower Hohlraum laser entrance hole to measure the time of peak x-ray emission (peak compression) in indirect-drive implosions. Five chemical-vapor-deposition diamond photoconductive detectors with different filtrations and sensitivities record the time-varying x rays emitted by the target. Wavelength selecting highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal mirror monochromators increase the x-ray signal-to-background ratio by filtering for 11-keV emission. Diagnostic timing and the in situ temporal instrument response function are determined from laser impulse shots on the NIF. After signal deconvolution and background removal, the bang time is determined to 45-ps accuracy. The x-ray "yield" (mJ∕sr∕keV at 11 keV) is determined from the time integral of the corrected peak signal.

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