
Since the last decade conflict of south china sea is in spotlight. This regional conflict is in six states named China, Philippines, Vetinam, Brunei, Taiwan and Malaysia. Through straight of Malacca SCS connects with Indian Ocean and through Straight of Formosa SCS connects with East China Sea. As China claims it territory in South China Sea according 9 Dash Line(from 1949) and UN is forcing China to follow the UNCLOS rule. It is important to know that South China Sea is important in terms of trade routes(around one third trade passes through here) Natural Reserves and rich in Fishing resources. Vetinam halso has a historical Claim, that is Geneva Accords 1954. China is making artificial islands and militarizing them with anti_ships, missiles and aircrafts. UN claims that its creating instability in region, also this act of china is consider as a attack on other nations sovereignty and economic prosperity. In this article we will know the conflict of different states in region. Concerns, strategies of international politics toward this territorial dispute and response of China.

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