
Air pollution is a leading environmental health risk factor. The risk estimates, primarily based on air pollution epidemiology, are sensitive to exposure misclassification, which can result in underestimation. To address some of these challenges, our aim is to investigate how the length of the period over which the exposure is averaged, trends in long-term PM2.5 concentrations, and the seasonal variability are associated with each other. Furthermore, we assess the impact of residential relocation on exposure levels and quantify random exposure misclassification due to modelling and its impact on the attenuation of effects with respect to averaging time.We used nested air quality modelling across Finland, gridded population, and address histories from three study populations: the MATEX pregnancy and preschool children cohorts, as well as the FINPARK study's individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and their controls, to estimate PM2.5 exposures. The prediction error was estimated by comparing modelled concentrations to observations and by using previous estimates for random monitoring instrument error.Due to the decreasing trend in PM2.5 concentrations, exposure levels rose progressively with longer averaging times, increasing by up to 28 % over a 16-year period. The shorter the exposure period, the more pronounced the seasonal effects: pregnant mothers' trimester-specific exposures were 13–22 % higher for trimesters ending in spring and 10–16 % lower for those ending in autumn compared to the average for the entire pregnancy. Residential relocation had a relatively minor impact on the exposure levels of the preschool children and adult FINPARK study population, but this effect was possibly partly masked by the decreasing trend. The results indicated that using predicted concentrations led to random exposure misclassification and potentially attenuated health effects. This effect became more notable when increasing the length of the exposure period from 3 months to 5 years, doubling the underestimation ratio from 1.5 to 3.1.

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