
Tudor Chiriac has had numerous sources of inspiration in his creations. While the composer has been consistent in terms of composition principles and key concepts, his sources of inspiration have varied greatly showing his inexhaustible originality and endless imagination. Tudor Chiriac has noticed the beauty, originality and virtues of folklore and popular music since his early childhood, and still is to this day fond of the specific national ethos and melos. Tudor Chiriac followed into Constantin Brăiloiu's footsteps when he supported the development of Romanian academic music in its own musical genres. Thus, due to his clear vision of the development of Romanian music and of the background against which the composition techniques specific to the 20th and 21st centuries have evolved, Tudor Chiriac has refined folklore suggestions in his own, unmistakable manner. Myths, fairy tales and legends are another highly attractive source of inspiration for many creators. Their value lies in the connection to the primordial archetypal meaning endowed with a rich, often esoteric symbolism. Tudor Chiriac has used several themes and symbols inspired by Romanian mythosophy. An edifying example is the poem Miorița, generally acknowledged as a masterpiece in terms of the symbiosis of a ballad theme with the most modern compositional techniques. Tudor Chiriac emphasized the semantics of musical works and the creation of an original ideational concept perceptible by the listener. Therefore, he made a rigorous selection of literary creations from poets/writers from both banks of the Prut River, thus enhancing and further emphasizing the message behind his works.

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