
Introduction. In the process of ensuring the effective functioning and sustainable economic growth of the sphere of educational services, the issue of creating an effective mechanism for their financial support becomes especially important. For the successful functioning of the sphere of educational services, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient financial resources. Today, the financial aspect is one of the most problematic issues of the educational services system in Ukraine. Thus, insufficient financial support of the educational sphere directly affects other dimensions of this system. Analysts, researchers, scholars, that is, all those who are interested in educational services, are trying to answer the question of who should finance education and in what proportions should come from different sources? After all, the financial security of education and the allocation of resources are key to the success of reforms and the transformation of educational services. Methods. The methodological basis of the article is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge and a systematic approach to the study of sources of financial support for educational services in Ukraine. The scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the researched issues are the theoretical basis of the study. In the process of research general and special methods were used, in particular: the analytical method was used in the review of literature sources; abstract and logical – in theoretical generalizations and conclusions. The use of a set of methods based on modern theoretical and methodological approaches, allowed us to ensure the conceptual unity of the study. Results. The article considers aspects of the formation of educational resources of Ukraine at the present stage. The dynamics of changes in educational services of Ukraine during the study period by sources of funding was analysed. It was proved that the main sources of financial support for educational services are funds allocated from the state and local budgets. Statistical data on the state and compliance with the financial support of educational services in Ukraine were presented. Discussion. We will continue our research in the direction of forming strategic vectors for the development of the educational space of Ukraine in the global environment. Keywords: financial support, sources of financial support, financial resources, education expenditures.

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