
Using a sample from European markets this study documents that changes in external financing, both in the form of equity and debt, can predict future operating performance (profitability and cash flows). In terms of future profitability, increases in equity (debt) financing particularly benefit large-size growth firms (large-size value firms). It is notable that a firm environment of low information quality, indicated by the presence of accounting restatements, intensifies the association between external financing and operating performance, due to the heightened scrutiny investors/lenders apply to firms that have recently restated their financials. In addition, strategic ownership in the firm has no significant effect on the financing – operating profitability association but may amplify the positive effects of equity financing on future operating cash flows. Moreover, financial analysts' forecasts of operating profitability and operating cash flows reflect the impact of external financing changes on future operating performance but exhibit a financing-related systematic inefficiency particularly for firms that have recently announced a material restatement of their prior financial results. Finally, controlling for information contained in analyst forecast surprises, the market is efficient overall and incorporates the effects of equity and debt financing changes into stock prices.

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