
The current level of development of Caucasian studies is the result of the work of professional scientists (archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, historians, philologists) and Amateur historians who studied the North Caucasus, identified, accumulated and analyzed the source base of research, formed historical knowledge about the region. The emergence of various trends in Caucasian studies. Active scientific societies and institutions of Moscow and the North Caucasus, individuals, lovers of antiquity and antiquity for the identification, collection, study and introduction into scientific circulation of sources in the pre-October period was a certain step in the organic incorporation of the North Caucasus into a single socio-cultural space of the country, facilitated inter-ethnic dialogue and understanding between the peoples of the Caucasus and Russia.
 In the present authors of this article, the period (early XX century) there were various groups of sources from which the reading public could learn interesting information about the traditional culture of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea: bibliography (I. I. Dmitrienko, V. N. Haruzina, E. I. Yakushkin, D. K. Zelenin, D. D. Pagirev, E. D. Felitsyn, V. D. Shamrai, I. M. Pulner, etc.), continuing publications ("Caucasian calendar", "the Collection of materials for description of districts and tribes of Caucasus", "the Collection of information about the Caucasian mountaineers", etc.) materials periodicals ("Terek statements" (Vladikavkaz. 1895-1906), "Terek" (Vladikavkaz, 1906-1917), "Caucasus" (Tbilisi, 1846-1917), "Kazbek" (Vladikavkaz, 1895-1906), "the New review" (Tiflis, 1884-1906), North Caucasus (Stavropol, 1884-1906), "the Kuban regional Vedomosti" (Ekaterinodar, 1871-1917), materials published local intellectual communities, which had a regional focus, articles and essays of scholars on the Caucasus, representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, reference books and guides, etc.


  • Изучение истории этнографического изучения народов России является одним из важнейших направлений отечественной этнографической науки

  • The current stage of the development of caucasiology is the result of the work of professional scholars

  • introducing the sources of the pre-revolutionary period has defined an organic inclusion of the North-Caucasus in the common socio-cultural space

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Изучение истории этнографического изучения народов России является одним из важнейших направлений отечественной этнографической науки. Цель настоящей статьи – обозначить основные группы источников начала ХХ в., в которых отложились сведения об этнографии народов КабардиноБалкарии, Карачаево-Черкесии и Адыгеи. Значимым подспорьем в работе исследователя, изучающего традиционную культуру народов Кабардино-Балкарии, Карачаево-Черкесии и Адыгеи, являются библиографические пособия и указатели как совершенно особый жанр научного исследования, в значительной степени предопределяющие последующие изыскания в данной области, а также задающие условия для трансляции имеющегося научного знания.

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