
Almost half of under-five deaths occur during the neonatal period. Delivery with a skilled attendant, adherence to essential newborn care (ENC) and postnatal care (PNC) standards, and immediate treatment of infections are essential to improve neonatal survival. This article uses Demographic and Health Survey data from 45 low- and middle-income countries to assess 1) levels of ENC and PNC that mothers and newborns receive and how this differs by place of delivery and 2) levels of and sources for care-seeking for neonates sick with fever. For five of the ten ENC and PNC indicators assessed, less than two-thirds of mothers and newborns received care in alignment with global standards. Adherence is higher in private facilities than public facilities for all indicators other than immediate breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact. Except for immediate breastfeeding, adherence is lowest for newborns born at home with a skilled birth attendant (SBA). Socioeconomic disparities exist in access to skilled delivery and adherence to ENC and PNC, with the largest disparities among newborns delivered at home with a SBA. Private provider adherence to ENC and PNC standards was relatively high for newborns from the wealthiest families, indicating that meeting recommended guidelines is achievable. On average across the 45 countries, half of caregivers for neonates with fever sought care outside the home and 45 percent of those sought care from the private sector. There were substantial socioeconomic disparities in care-seeking for fever, but illness prevalence and sources of care seeking were consistent across wealth quintiles. Closing inequities in neonatal care and care seeking and ensuring that all families, including the poorest, can access high quality maternal and newborn care is crucial to ensure equity and accelerate reductions in neonatal and child mortality.

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