
Domain adaptation typically requires to access source domain data to utilize their distribution information for domain alignment with the target data. However, in many real-world scenarios, the source data may not be accessible during the model adaptation in the target domain due to privacy issue. This paper studies the practical yet challenging source-free unsupervised domain adaptation problem, in which only an existing source model and the unlabeled target data are available for model adaptation. We present a novel denoised pseudo-labeling method for this problem, which effectively makes use of the source model and unlabeled target data to promote model self-adaptation from pseudo labels. Importantly, considering that the pseudo labels generated from source model are inevitably noisy due to domain shift, we further introduce two complementary pixel-level and class-level denoising schemes with uncertainty estimation and prototype estimation to reduce noisy pseudo labels and select reliable ones to enhance the pseudo-labeling efficacy. Experimental results on cross-domain fundus image segmentation show that without using any source images or altering source training, our approach achieves comparable or even higher performance than state-of-the-art source-dependent unsupervised domain adaptation methods (Code is available at https://github.com/cchen-cc/SFDA-DPL).

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