
With its own unique musical vocabulary oundscape composition has been unprecedently developed all over the world. The analysis of music s from the perspective of acoustics has its own advantages that cannot be replaced by the traditional musicology. Based on music named Dayb for a hope to overcome COVID-19, this paper analyzes the acoustic elements of , frequency spectrum and waveform. Combined with the traditional musicology, it can show that the undulation of waveform has associated with the formal structure and the visualization of music. The frequency spectrum shows that as the climax of the piece, the sound has a high energy in the range of 300-1000Hz, which is one of the extremely sensitive frequency ranges for human. The composer not only skillfully integrates the chanting of monks with the complex environmental sounds, but also reflects the innovative composition skills. The change of from weak to strong or contrarily is also in line with the emotional expression, that is, the core idea of moving from nature to nature. Since soundscape c retains more information, it is easier to immerse the audience in the listening process and appreciate the beautiful hope rather than the difficulty of understanding it.

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