
Effective soundscape planning, in accordance with the ISO soundscape standard series, is predicated on accurately assessing the human response to sound in context. ccurately assess the human response for this purpose requires the identification of context specific non-acoustic factors (NAFs). In particular, the NAF of stakeholders' perceived control over sound from developments directly impacts the effectiveness of engagement in planning processes. However, what constitutes perceived control can vary widely, including stakeholders' experiences, perceptions and requirements in context. Perceived control affect quality of life and therefore it is a factor in sustainable planning and development processes. This primarily qualitative constructivist grounded theory study investigates the NAFs comprising stakeholders' perceived control and the impact on effective engagement in the context of planning and soundscape management for airport expansion projects in the UK. The initial stages of this research included participant observation and 1:1 interviews. Preliminary findings indicate context specific discrete aspects regarding communication quality (as distinct from quantity) as intrinsic to developing, supporting and maintaining perceived control amongst stakeholders. This research builds on existing soundscape and noise and health findings to develop a conceptual framework for effective stakeholder engagement for standardised soundscape design and planning in the built environment.

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