
Human speech primarily contains low frequencies. It is well established that such frequencies maximally excite the cochlea near its apex. But, the micromechanics that precede and are involved in this transduction are not well understood. We measured vibrations from the low-frequency, second turn in intact gerbil cochleae using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The data were used to create spatial maps that detail the sound-evoked motions across the sensory organ of Corti complex (OCC). These maps were remarkably similar across animals and showed little variation with frequency or level. We identify four, anatomically distinct, response regions within the OCC: the basilar membrane (BM), the outer hair cells (OHC), the lateral compartment (lc), and the tectorial membrane (TM). Results provide evidence that active processes in the OHC play an important role in the mechanical interplay between different OCC structures which increases the amplitude and tuning sharpness of the traveling wave. The angle between the OCT beam and the OCC makes that we captured radial motions thought to be the effective stimulus to the mechano-sensitive hair bundles. We found that TM responses were relatively weak, arguing against a role in enhancing mechanical hair bundle deflection. Rather, BM responses were found to closely resemble the frequency selectivity and sensitivity found in auditory nerve fibers (ANF) that innervate the low-frequency cochlea.

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