
Summary1. Several methods of varying accuracy have been used to assess what sounds small laboratory animals such as rodents are capable of hearing. Most rodents can detect sounds from 1000 Hz (the frequency of the Greenwich Time Signal) up to 100000 Hz, depending on the strain, with usually one or more commonly two peaks of sensitivity within this range. Dogs can detect sound most easily from 500 Hz to 55000 Hz, depending on the breed.2. Rodents also produce sound signals as a behavioural response and for communication in a variety of situations. Ultrasonic calls in the range 22000–70000 Hz are the main communicating pathway during aggressive encounters, mating, and mothering. Similar calls have also been recorded from isolated animals associated with inactivity, rest and possibly even sleep.3. Very loud sounds cause seizures in rats and mice, or can make them more susceptible to other sounds later in life. This effect is possible even when animals are fully anaesthetized. Sound tends to startle and reduce activity in several species of animal. Even offspring of mice that have been sound‐stressed exhibit abnormal behaviour patterns. Sounds also elicit various responses in rats from increasing aggression to making them more tolerant to electric shocks.4. Levels of sound above 100 dB are teratogenic in several species of animals and several hormonal, haematological and reproductive parameters are disturbed by sounds above 80 dB. When rats are chemically deafened the disturbance to their fertility disappears. Lipid metabolism is disrupted in rats when exposed to over 95 dB of sounds, leading to increases in plasma triglycerides. Atherosclerosis can be produced in rabbits by similar levels of sound.5. It has also been shown in guinea pigs and cats that hearing damage is governed by the duration as well as the intensity of the sound and is irreversible. Work on chinchillas hs demonstrated that sounds above 95 dB lead to this injury, but that sounds of 80 dB have no permanent effect on hearing sensitivity.

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