
Bullying is a social phenomenon that continues and never ends in society. This situation can be seen in many social situations such as in education, employment, and even in everyday life. The individuals who took action and those affected also came from different age groups. Children and teenagers are the age group that easily become victims of bullying. As educational institutions, schools have a very important role in protecting and ensuring student safety. However, there are still many cases of violence reported in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to take effective steps to overcome and prevent these cases so that all students can learn safely and comfortably in the school environment. Bullying which has become a habit means that students sometimes do not realize that they are carrying out these actions. Therefore, every educational institution needs training and outreach that can increase students' understanding of bullying. Several methods applied in this socialization activity include: presentation of material, interaction in the form of discussion, evaluation in the form of questions and answers as feedback, complemented by video recording playback. The results of the education show that students at SMA Negeri 1 Wabula are increasingly aware that bullying can appear in various forms. Students also realize the importance of their role in reducing bullying incidents that occur in the school environment.

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