
Primary schools have an important role in development, therefore the health of primary school children needs to be maintained properly. Based on data from 2000 the prevalence of stomach worms in elementary school children is 60-80% in 250,000 public and private schools and every year 100,000 Indonesian children die from diarrhea (Dep.Kes.RI, 2007). This activity method is in the form of lectures and technical assistance to increase the knowledge and awareness of elementary school students precisely at SD Negeri Wonosuko 2 located in Wonosuko Village, Wonosuko District, Bondowoso Regency. The material provided regarding healthy living behavior by applying Balanced Nutrition guidelines includes The results obtained in the "Friends of the 4 Pillars of Nutrition" activity of SD Wonosuko 2 students can understand PHBS, some aspects there are difficulties in providing learning to students with special needs at SD Negeri Wonosuko 2. With this social project, students can already apply a healthy lifestyle or also known as a healthy lifestyle in their daily lives.

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