
AbstractThis study examines the impact of instructor‐led (IL) versus self‐access (SA) web‐based pragmatic instruction on novice second language learners' (n = 28) awareness and oral production of Spanish apologies. Two sections of a second‐semester Spanish course were assigned to either the IL or the SA group. The web‐based resource Dancing with Words was used to provide pragmatic instruction. Participants in the SA group worked through the materials individually, and participants in the IL group received support and guidance from the instructor. A quasi‐experimental, pre‐/posttest design was used to measure participants' pragmatic competence (i.e., awareness and production skills) before and after a 5‐week intervention period. Results indicate three major findings: (1) learners follow developmental trajectories similar to those identified in study abroad, (2) instructor guidance is important for novice learners' development of pragmatic competence, and (3) special consideration should be given to instructional materials to ensure they align with the instructional context and goals.

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