
The temperature changes of the adsorbent particles during ad(de)sorption of CO 2 on BPL activated carbon and MSC V molecular sieve carbon were measured using a volumetric sorption apparatus. The tests showed that the adsorbent temperature and the adsorbent loading for both carbons rose (or fell) almost instantaneously to a plateau level after the gas-solid contact was made and then they slowly decreased (or increased) to, respectively, the starting temperature and the final equilibrium loading value at the starting temperature. It was found that the adsorbents were very close to equilibrium with the instantaneous gas phase pressure and the adsorbent temperature at all times during the kinetic runs. Neither carbons exhibited internal pore diffusion resistance to sorption of CO 2. Heat transfer from or to the carbons was the controlling factor in determining the uptake or desorption curves. Equilibrium sorption isotherms for CO 2 on BPL and MSC V carbons were also measured at different temperatures.

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