
Reviewed by: Sora’s Seashells: A Name Is a Gift to Be Treasured by Helena Ku Rhee Danica Ronquillo Rhee, Helena Ku Sora’s Seashells: A Name Is a Gift to Be Treasured; illus. by Stella Lim and Ji-Hyuk Kim. Candlewick, 2023 [40p] Trade ed. ISBN 9781536209938 $17.99 Reviewed from digital galleys R 4-8 yrs Sora’s Halmoni (grandmother) leaves a beautiful seashell on a bench every time they visit the beach, explaining that she sees it as a special gift for others to find and treasure. After Halmoni’s summer stay comes to an end and she goes back to South Korea, Sora soon begins kindergarten, where she is bullied because of her uncommon name. The teasing goes on for weeks, and to make matters worse, she receives sad news that her Halmoni would not be coming back again. With a heavy heart and bottled-up emotions, she and her family return to the beach, where her parents tell her that Sora means ‘seashell’ in Korean: “Halmoni always said finding a perfect shell is like receiving a wonderful gift. That’s why she suggested we name you Sora.” The following week, Sora courageously takes her jar of seashells to class for show-and-tell and explains her name’s origins. In this poignant picture book, Rhee unspools an uplifting tale with soothing narration that harmonizes beautifully with Lim’s stunning watercolor art. The blending of paint creates shadows to accentuate Sora’s grief over her Halmoni and the loneliness she feels at school. Young readers will find Sora’s confidence empowering and see that her story honors the strengths in both kindness and confidence. Copyright © 2023 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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