
Uterine and ovarian size were measured in 765 pre- and postmenopausal women by transvaginal ultrasound. Of these, 263 (premenopausal, n = 155; postmenopausal, n = 108) were found to have neither uterine nor ovarian pathological findings. According to parity, premenopausal women were separated into three groups: nullipara, primipara and multipara. Postmenopausal women were separated into two groups according to years since menopause: < or = 5 years and > 5 years since menopause. In the premenopausal group, a parity-related enlargement in uterine size was observed between nulliparous and parous women. After the menopause, a significant reduction in uterine size and in the corpus-cervix ratio was observed. The reduction in uterine size was related to years since menopause. The endometrial thickness measured in the group of premenopausal women did not exceed 4 mm on day 4 and 8 mm on day 8 of the menstrual cycle; in the postmenopausal group, endometrial thickness did not exceed 5 mm (mean 3.6 mm). In the group of premenopausal women, no parity-related change in ovarian volume was observed. After menopause, there was an obvious reduction in ovarian volume. Between the two postmenopausal groups, there was a small but significant difference in ovarian volume.

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