
The purpose of this study was to sonographically evaluate the diagnosis of localized Castleman disease in the abdomen and pelvis. This was a retrospective analysis of 18 cases of Castleman disease localized in the abdomen and pelvis. The following features of the lesions were assessed on sonography (US): location, size, margin, echogenicity, echotexture, intralesional cystic necrosis, intralesional calcification, posterior acoustic enhancement, and blood supply. Of the 18 tumors, 16 were located in the abdomen and 2 were located in the pelvis close to iliac vessels. The most frequent appearance of localized Castleman disease in the abdomen and pelvis on US was of a single, well-defined, hypoechoic solid mass with no intralesional cystic necrosis. The internal echotexture was homogeneous in 4 cases and heterogeneous in 14 cases, with thin hyperechoic septa (n = 14) or calcifications (n = 3). Posterior acoustic enhancement was seen in 17 of the 18 cases (94%). Ninety-four percent of the lesions (17/18) had marked vascularity on color Doppler US. Localized Castleman disease in the abdomen and pelvis usually appears on US as a heterogeneously hypoechoic lesion containing thin septa, and more commonly than not, demonstrates posterior acoustic enhancement and marked vascularity.

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