
Sonnet with Bare Branches William Fargason (bio) Lord I don't Lord after I goI don't want to be rememberedas unkind as unable to holdthe door for my neighbor Lord when the fruits of the spiritare the signs of you how do I forgivemyself of myself how Lord do Iwhen each season a new species in my body goes extinct Lordhow do I extend like a green leaffighting winter with its greennessLord how do I stay kind toward the sky when the only voice I hearis the one that echoes back [End Page 117] William Fargason William Fargason is the author of Love Song to the Demon-Possessed Pigs of Gadara (University of Iowa Press, 2020), winner of the 2019 Iowa Poetry Prize and the 2020 Florida Book Award in Poetry (Gold Medal). His poetry has appeared in The Threepenny Review, New England Review, Barrow Street, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Northwest, The Cincinnati Review, Narrative, and elsewhere. He earned an MFA in Poetry from the University of Maryland and a PhD in Poetry from Florida State University. He lives with himself in Sparks Glencoe, Maryland, where he serves as the poetry editor at Split Lip Magazine. Copyright © 2022 Berea College ...

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