
Sonic boom wave form parameters as related to loudness were investigated analytically. The parameters studied include rise time, duration, maximum overpressure and initial overpressure. The design criteria of a 72 dBA for corridors and 65 dBA for unconstrained flight were chosen based on a review of human response testing. The 72 dBA criterion suggests that 1.0 psf shock waves may be acceptable. On that basis, acceptable low sonic boom wave forms were explored with respect to cruise conditions, aerodynamic lifting length requirements and configuration design at M 1.5 and M 2.4. An M 2.4 baseline arrow wing configuration was studied as a possible vehicle for M 1.5 cruise overland. Modifications made to approach the low boom wave form included a slightly longer forebody, staggered nacelles, a lifting arrow wing horizontal tail, and carefully tailored lift and volume elements. The same wave form criteria applied for M 2.4 cruise results in a low boom configuration that has significant weight, length and balance penalties. Further detailed design work is required to reach the target wave form and resultant loudness level for overland cruise at M 1.5. These results so far suggest that a properly designed M 2.4 overwater configuration may be capable of M 1.5 overland operation with sonic boom noise characteristcs that meet the criterion.

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