
Brood-parasitic village indigobirds,Vidua chalybeata, were bred in captivity and foster-reared by their normal host, red-billed firefinch,Lagonosticta senegala, or by an experimental foster species, Bengalese finch,Lonchura striata. Male indigobirds reared by Bengalese finches developed the songs of Bengalese finches, and males reared by firefinches developed songs of firefinches. Males copied their foster father only when they had lived with him long after independence (45 days post-fledging), while males separated normally at independence (22–24 days post-fledging) copied songs of other individuals and not songs of their foster father. Males reared by Bengalese finches showed no preference to learn firefinch song over songs of the experimental foster species or other control finch species even when they had lived with firefinches as companions from the time of fledging to independence. Males copied several song themes, acquired the same number of mimicry songs, and acquired their songs at the same age, whether reared by Bengalese finches or by firefinches. When they lived with other indigobirds, the male indigobirds copied mimicry songs of male indigobirds that mimicked the same foster species. We predicted mimicry-song specificity and repertoire size in experimental indigobirds from a hypothesis of an early developmental period when young indigobirds focus their attention on their foster parents, and a later period when they direct their attention to other birds with similar songs. The predictions, based on field observations of wild birds, were that (1) males reared by a novel foster species other than the normal host would learn the song of that foster species, and (2) males that left their foster parents at the normal time of independence would copy the songs of other individuals, including other adult indigobirds that mimicked the same foster species. Begging calls of young indigobirds did not mimic the calls of young firefinches. Indigobirds reared alone, or with young of the normal host or of the experimental foster species, all developed begging calls in adult song that resembled their own begging as nestlings and fledglings, and only males that heard other adult indigobirds with firefinch-mimicry begging developed firefinch begging in their song. The incorporation of the innate begging calls as well as the learned begging calls into adult song, and the modification of the song themes of their individual song models, suggest that song development involves processes in addition to copying the songs of their own foster species and of older adult male indigobirds with songs like their own foster parents.

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