
The purpose of the research is to conduct an art studies revision of the sonata for violin and piano “With the Questions” by Viktor Telychko, to confirm the idea of the opus appealing to philosophical categories similar to the demiurge’s world outlook and fostering his metaphysical biography constructing. The research methodology encompasses a range of the following approaches: analytical – to master an implementation of metaphysical questions in Viktor Telychko’s artwork; music studies – to grasp the content parameters of the presented masterpiece; hermeneutic – to interpret the senses introduced by the master; biographical – to study the originality of the chronicle and to analyse the composer’s individual history within the projection onto a creative pattern; systemic – to conduct a complex recognition of the issue of the study; theoretical generalisation – to summarise the research results. Scientific novelty. For the first time ever in national humanitarian studies, the sonata for violin and piano “With the Questions” by Viktor Telychko has been considered from the viewpoint of the artwork implementing the basic philosophical postulates; the following idea has been justified: the piece raises existential issues and demonstrates the master’s metaphysical chronicles. Conclusions. The postmodernism sonata has experienced considerable transformations related to reflecting personal and psychological concern. It is based on technical and style conceptions of the author’s original thinking, promotes important ideological positions of the master. In the 21st century, the genre reflects the master’s mentality and spiritual fundamentals professed by them, transfers to the sphere of philosophical objectification being represented by metaphysical biography. The latter is interpreted as the following: a symbolic depiction of ontological concepts of a personality’s life creativity reflected in an iconic civilizational artefact. The creative heritage of Viktor Telychko, a prominent profile in Ukrainian culture, is represented by a remarkable contribution where the sonata for violin and piano “With the Questions” stands out. Its consideration has revealed the seriousness and sense capacity of the presented conception. While developing the musical idea, the composer declares the following dominating metaphysical categories: birth, life, death, suffering, time, action, entity and some others. They are related to his existential aspirations (the artistic explication of their essence became the key task of various stages of being and was implemented via multifaceted elaborations), manifest the master’s essence and denote the metaphysical chronicle by Viktor Telychko.
 Keywords: metaphysical biography; the master’s life creativity; an artistic opus; creativity philosophy; Viktor Telychko; sonata for violin and piano “With the Questions”.

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