
Local sections (we have 171 of them) should be—are—the backbone of the American Chemical Society. They are the grassroots foundation from which all else should flow. Yet the glamor and aura of headquarters, with its overall view of things, and the quite often overriding interest in national and regional meetings have tended to overshadow local sections and their activities. Attendance at local section functions averages only about 11% of the membership in question. (Attendance at regional meetings, on the other hand, is sharply up.) Granted that this percentage is not all that different from that at national meetings. But the absolute numbers, of course, are quite different. After all, who worries about the alderman's election when there is a presidential election? Yet, ACS is people—individual chemists and chemical engineers, not just Nobel Laureates, corporate executives, university dons, and government functionaries. The point is that ACS should have something to offer the rank and file. And ...

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