
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is the most used method in General Game Playing, area of the Artificial Intelligence, whose main goal is to develop agents capable of play any board game without preview knowledge. MCTS requires a tree which represents the states and moves of the board game which is visited and expanded using an iterations method. In order to visit the tree, MCTS requires a selection policy which determines which node is visited in each level. Nowdays, Upper Confidence Bound (UCB), is the most popular policy in MCTS due to its simplicity and efficiency. This policy was propose for the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem (MABP) which consists in set of slot machines each of which has a certain probability of give a reward. The goal is to maximize the accumulative reward that is obtained when a machine is played in a series of rounds. Other policy proposed for MCTS is Upper Confidence Bound\(_{\sqrt{.}}\) (UCB\(_{\sqrt{.}}\)) whose goal is to identify the machine with the highest probability to give a reward. This paper shows a comparative between five modifications of UCB and one of UCB\(_{\sqrt{.}}\), this comparative has the goal of finding a policy which be able to identify the optimal machine as quickly as possible, this goal in MCTS is equals to identify the node with the highest probability to leading to a victory. The results show that some policies find the optimal machine before UCB, however, with 10,000 rounds UCB is the policy who plays the optimal machine more often.

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