
Germination is receiving a great deal of attention at the present time, particularly with reference to dormancy and the chemical changes. Some extensive experiments, pertaining to the latter phase, have been undertaken in this laboratory. During this work, some unusual results have been obtained, which do not seem to have been recorded before. Yet they may be important in germination and early growth of corn seedlings, because they might cause an experimental error or errors in interpretation results derived from such studies. Corn seeds, irregularly shaped, taken from the tip or the butt ends of the ear, especially those in which embryos are located at the sides rather than in their usual position, seldom if ever germinate. Even those which may germinate, usually require a longer period than the normal ones. Several authors have shown that heavier seeds of the same species are more satisfactory to germinate because they may be more matured and fully developed. The writer agrees with them as far as normal corn seeds are concerned. However, poorly developed seeds with abnormal location of embryos, even with heavier weights, have not proved to be satisfactory in the writer's experiments; first because they lower the rate. of germination and second because they slowly germinate, thus extending the time duration. Many experiments, especially those in which duration of time is of prime importance, the use of such seeds, even from the same ear of corn and in spite of their heavy weights, may be a source of experimental error. The range of such an error, at times, exceeds 20 to 25 percent. In the middle of some corn ears, a number of compressed, thin, undeveloped and starved seeds may be found. They seem to germinate somewvhat faster than the normal seeds, probably because of their thin surfaces, through which water is permeable. Their seedlings, on an average, show poor growth ( 420 )

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