
Summary. The war has not affected the Camargue or its birds much. The dry period 1938 to 1946 caused great drops in water levels, and has adversely affected such species as Cisticola juncidis, while others have been restive and capricious, notably Egretta gazetta, Nycficorax nycticorax and Ardea purpurea. The wet winter of 1946/47 greatly improved water levels. The chief victims have been Cettia cetti and Saxicola torquata. The early part of 1947 was unusually cold. The following are the main changes since 1938:‐ Increases: Corvw monedula, Milvus migrans, Larus argentatus michahellis, New breeding species: Merops apiaster. Expansion: Coracias garrulus. Decreases: Cettia cetti, Cisticola juncidis and Saxicola torquata (all three entirely gone); Remiz pendulimcs (slight); Gelochelidon nilotica (local); and, perhaps, Leucopolius alexandrinus. Phmicopterus ruber bred in 1947. This species also nested successfully in 1942. Vanellus vanellus and, perhaps, Upupa epops and Athene noctua. 1500 pairs fledged about 2000 chicks.

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