
Water samples were collected from ecological important Kinjhar and Haleji Lakes during 1998-1 999 and were analysed for conductivity, total dissolved sol1ds, hnrdness, chloride, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate. silica, orthophosphate, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium metal ions. The water quality was observed within the limits for drinking purposes, but there is an extensive growth of algae and higher aquatic plants in both the lakes. Totnl of 205 algal species wore identified, comprising 43 sp. of Cyanophyta, 92 sp. Cflluruphyta, 6 sp. Charophyta, 11 sp. Euglenophyta, 57 sp. of Bacillariophyta. Higher aquatic plants belonging to 31 species were Rlso 1rlentitied. Zooplanktomc fauna of both the lakes were quite different. The Cladoceran species. Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Bosminopsis deirersi, Oiaphanosoma brar.hyurum ond Bosmina longirostris were dominant, at Kinjhar. In Haleji lake, on the other hund Macrothrix sp., Chydorus sp., Simoccphalus vutulus <.111J Moina sp. were Jornmunt. Kinjhar has an area of nhout 80 sq. miles with Perimeter of 88 K.M. The Haleji has an area of about 6.5 sq. K.M. Both lakes are of ecological importance and in addition to being gazetted wildlife sanctuaries established Uy the Government of Sindh, they are also defined under Article-2 of Ramsar convention as waters of international importance for water Fowl refuge. Their proximity to and accessibility trorn Karachi and Hyderabad adds to their importance from both ecological and recreational view point. The lakes are r1cll of phytoplankton due to the presence of 1111ense light during days of the whole year. h1gh temperature, concentration of nutrients and favourable pH. The phytoplankton of the tropical lakes are able to tolerate high temperatures (Nazneen, 1980) and support fish production. About 48 species of different fishes have been reported from Kinjhar, with 20 species of commercial importance (Baqai eta/., 1974). A number of studies hove been made about water quality and the life inhibiting at Kinjhar and Haleji, including Baqai et at. (1974 a and b), Nazneen (1974; 1980) and from this laboratory (Khuhwar era/., 1999), also some work available on the Lakes of Sindh, Bakar (Le<.,Jhan eta/., 1999), Hub lake (Iqbal, 1 986) Mnnchar lake (Baig and Khan. 1957; Khuhawar and Mastoi .. 1995). The present work reports the assessment of water qual1ty alongwith flora and fauna of Kinjhar and HaleJi lakes of District Thntta Sind h. Pakistan.

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