
In some CaO crystals grown by the arc fusion technique, paramagnetic resonance lines due to impurity ions are considerably narrower than have usually been reported. Thus it has been possible to resolve the hyperfine structure from the nuclei 155Gd and 157Gd associated with the Gd3+ electron spin resonance spectrum. An isotropic g-shift of order 0.00008 between the 47Ti and 49Ti hyperfine lines in a spectrum due to octahedrally co-ordinated Ti+ ions is also apparent. In annealed and quenched crystals these linewidths are noticeably increased as a result of the lattice disorder present after quenching.Pairs of sharp lines in the electron spin resonance spectrum of Mn22+ are assigned to the double-quantum transitions between pairs of non-adjacent levels. In the absence of strain, the levels involved are unequally spaced and double quantum transitions are not observed. A range of internal distortions in the crystals yields equality of spacing between the levels for some ions, so that ΔMs = 2 transitions may occur with simultaneous absorption of two microwave photons of identical frequency.

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