
The article discusses the problems of constructing and using regional input-output tables, describes the features of disaggregating economic activities, and shows the most complex, missing in statistics, information arrays necessary for constructing regional input-output tables. A brief overview of the main methods of regionalization of intersectoral models used in domestic and foreign practice is made. The necessity of combining direct assessment methods necessary for the construction of tables and models of indicators and methods based on the use of indirect data is noted. The necessity of using production and distribution balances in natural indicators as the most important direction of improving national economic and regional input-output tables is shown, since the available natural indicators, as a rule, reflect the volume of production and consumption of products in full, and not only the part of it that is marketable. The special importance of increased requirements for information reflecting the current state of the economy of the country and regions is emphasized. The main applied results obtained with the help of intersectoral models as a tool for long-term forecasting of the national economy are presented. The features of modeling intersectoral relations of small regional economies and limitations of the use of regional input-output tables for assessing multiplicative effects arising in economies of this type (on the example of the Republic of Tyva) are considered.

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