
Sholairaju and Chithra introduced a graph which admits an edge odd graceful labeling called an edge odd graceful graph. An edge odd graceful labeling of a graph G on q edges is a bijection f : E(G) → {1,3,5, …, 2q-1} so that the induced mapping f+: V(G) → {0,1,2, …,2q - 1} given by f+(x) = Σxy∈E(G) f(xy) (mod 2q) is injective. A triangular snake C3m is a graph obtained from a path u1u2u3 … um+1 by joining every ui and ui+1 to a new vertex vi. A quadrilateral snake C4m is a graph obtained from vertices u1, u2, u3, …, um+1 by joining every ui and ui+1 to two vertices vi and wi. In this pa r we study edge odd graceful labelings of triangular snake C3m and quadrilateral snake C4m. We find a labeling of C3m and a labeling of C4m. This implies that graphs C3m and C4m are odd graceful, and we have new classes of graphs that are odd graceful.

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