
Abstract x Axial position as measurzd from the tip The supersonic separation characteristics on a Xs Starting position of separation line as pointed slender body, an ogive nose with fineness rameasured from the tip tio of 2 and cylinder afterbody with fineness ratio of Z Position of vortex projected to vertical 10, were inspected by several experimental devices, oil symmetric plane as measured from the body flow technique, color schlieren visualizations, spatial surface pitot and surface static pressure measurements. All of Angles of attack the experiments were conducted at Mach number of 0 Circumferential angle as measured from 1.5 and 2.0 and angles of attack 6 vertical symmetric plane on leeside The results show that just only typical open separation appear on the leeside surface and the starting Tntroduction position of separation lines are always limited on the front part of afterbody. The axial favorable pressure The studying supersonic separated flow are gradient on the nose is supposed to be benefited for closely related to high manoeuvre of the vehicles. Rut delaying separation until the place behind the shoulthere are difficulties for studying separated flow in der. The starting positions of primary separation lines supersonic flows than in low speed flows especially move backward during Marh number increasing. Tt because of the short experimental time in a blow can be seen that the starting positions of primary and down supersonic wind tunnel. Tt is desirable to use secondary separation lines approach to two minimum some efficient devices for detecting the vortex and static pressure loops, which lie behind the nose, on studying its features. Otherwise it is still a foundal leeside. I t seems that the starting positions of separasubject in the fluid mechanics and it is interesting to tion lines are associated with these two loops. There is search the characteristics of supersonic separated no obvious pressure gradient across the secondary flow even though the great achievements have been separation lines on rear afterbody even though secacquired in low speed separated flows. ondary separation lines appear there at first. c1

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