
Esth-folkloroistics is one of the structural branches of integrative folklore studies. It provides for the re-artistic reproduction of aesthetic objects within the framework of the art of speech. The wide range of research possibilities of folklore as a source of integrative science today and the dynamics of integrative justifications in the art of speech led to the formation of this term. Therefore, the presentation of a new scientific and methodological concept of national-level esth-folkloroistics studies will be one of the most innovative and relevant synergistic studies in accordance with modern trends in the humanitarian sphere. At the same time, attention should be paid to a number of topical issues: identification and systematization of types of folklorism; consideration of the level of folklorization of literary works. In particular, the problem of the National Art of speech is the disclosure of the theoretical nature of the "feedback" built on the relationship "written literature –oral literature"; the formulation of the concept of "initiatory environment". To demonstrate the possibility of connecting the concepts of initiative creative –author's oral literature with the discussion of foreign experiences; to propose innovative ways of teaching the theory of esth-folkloroistics based on modern concepts ofeducation. The implementation of such tasks will form the basis for the formation of the scientific theoretical status of esth-folkloroistics in the national scientific system, with the definition of qualitative integration value-content, and not quantitative indicators of folklore.

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