
All rings are assumed to be associative and with nonzero identity element. Let ϕ be an injective endomorphism of a ring A. We denote by A l [[x, ϕ]] the left skew power series ring consisting of formal series \(\sum\nolimits_{i = 0}^\infty {{a_i}{x^i}} \) of an indeterminate x with canonical coefficients a i ∈ A, where addition is defined naturally and multiplication is defined by the rule x i a = ϕ i (a)x i The ring A l [[x, ϕ]] contains the left skew polynomial ring A l [x, ϕ]. For every right A-module M, we denote by M l [[x, ϕ]] the set of all formal sums of the form \(f \equiv \sum\nolimits_{i = 0}^\infty {{m_i}{x^i}} \), where m i ∈ M. The coefficient fo is the constant term of the series f 0. It is directly verified that the set M l [[x, ϕ]] is a right module over the left skew power series ring A l [[x, ϕ]] such that addition is defined naturally and multiplication by elements of the ring A l [[x, ϕ]] is defined by the rule \((\sum\nolimits_{i = 0}^\infty {{m_i}{x^i})(\sum\nolimits_{j = 0}^\infty {{a_j}{x^j}} )}\mathop {}\limits_{}{ = _{}}\sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^\infty {(\sum\nolimits_{i + j = k}{{m_j}{\varphi ^i}({a_j})){x^k}} } \). The right A l [[x, ϕ]-module M l [[x, ϕ]] is called the skew power series module.

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