
In the Republic of Bashkortostan, since 2005, in the Natural Botanical Garden (Kushnarenkovsky district, Mountain Gurovskaya), experiments have been carried out on the introduction of rare and endangered plant species of regional flora into a new natural environment as close as possible to the ecological and phytocenotic conditions of their habitats. To date, the following areas of work have been worked out: creation of collections for the study and conservation of gene pools for 20 rare species (families Alliaceae, Fabaceae, Paeoniaceae and other); creation of long-term self-renewable reserve populations to preserve the gene pool of specific natural populations for Hedysarum razoumovianum, Globularia punctata, Oxytropis hippolyti; creation of uterine plots in order to obtain mass planting and sowing material for reintroduction work for Allium nutans; experience of evacuation to the territory of the Natural Botanical Garden of plants from natural populations doomed to destruction for A. obliquum and Iris pseudacorus. The collections include economically valuable species: ornamental, food, melliferous and medicinal. These plant collections can be used for demonstration and educational purposes.

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