
SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO NORWEGIAN-AMERICAN HISTORY H Compiled, by Jacob Hodnefield This list is the second in the series begun in volume 5 of Studies and Records and includes for the most part publications issued during the year 1930. Exceptions have been made in favor of certain items, not mentioned last year, that were issued during 1929. A few items of early 1931 have been included so as to bring the list up to date as far as possible. Again a request is extended to the members of the association to send copies of new publications or information about them to the managing editor. In preparing the list it has been the policy of the compiler to limit the titles strictly to the field indicated in the heading. Only articles of sufficient importance to justify their classification as contributions to the subject have been given space. In making these restrictions it is hoped that the list will prove most useful to seekers of information in the field of Norwegian-American history. A few fiction titles appear in this list, the scene being Norwegian-American. As readers will observe, the notes are explanatory, not critical. Critical reviews of books appear widely in newspapers and magazines and may be found readily by persons interested. J. H. Ager, Waldemar« En gammel kjaempe. N ordm ands-forbundet , 23:408-411 (December, 1930). Rasmus B. Anderson of Madison, Wisconsin, pioneer professor, editor, and author, is here presented as an old giant. Nygaard), 1929. 232 p. " Dog Eyes " is the title of this story enacted within the American scene. As a boy the hero comes to Chicago from Norway but ultimately he finds his destiny in prairie wilderness. See also following title. This is his Hundefline, translated into English by Charles Wharton Stork. Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, 80, IV: 24-25 (April 12, 1931), and in New York Herald Tribune Books, 7:23 (March 15, 1931). 168 SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS 169 Claire, Wisconsin, Fremad publishing company, 1930. 87 p. Mr. Ager entitles this volume, " Beneath the symbol of change; stories and such." It is a collection of nine stories and essays, the field of action of some of them being in the Northwest. The mood throughout is playful. Anderson, L. O. Haandbok for Amerikareisende. Handbook for Scandinavian travelers in America, 1929-30. Brooklyn, New York, Federation of Norwegian Lutheran Young People's Societies in America. Brooklyn, Reverend L. O. Anderson, 1929. 272 p. Anderson, Rasmus Bj0rn. America not discovered by Columbus . Eighth edition. Madison, Wisconsin, Leif Erikson memorial association, 1930. 176 p. A reprint edition. Baalson, Herman E. Carl Benjamin Eielsen. Lutheran church herald, 14:1780-81 (December 16, 1930). A biographical sketch of the noted flier, written by a relative. Baldwin, Charles C. Martha Ostenso, daughter of the Vikings. New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1930. [16] p. A pamphlet issued by her publishers. It is not extensively biographical. Criticism and comment are highly laudatory. There are summaries of Wild Geese, Dark Dawn, Mad Carews, Young May Moon, and Waters under the Earth . Bangsberg, John. Louise Enerby; fortaelling fra folkelivet. Minneapolis, Augsburg publishing house, 1929. 311 p. The scene of this novel shifts from Norway to America, exhibiting, in particular, Chicago and the Dakota prairies. Bergendahl, Erling. Jarlen fra Telemark! en dag med Shipstead . Nordisk Tidende, 40:1, 8 (August 14, 1930). A characterization of Senator Shipstead. Bergsagel, K. Bygdelagsbevaegelsen i Canada. Nordmandsforbundet , 23:184-185 (June, 1930). An account of the growth and development of hygdelags in Canada. Bjorlee, Ignatius. Ignatius Bjorlee, an autobiography. Maryland bulletin, 49: 133-138 (June, 1929). The autobiography of a deaf boy, recounting, in particular, his struggles for an education. Biegen, Theodore C. California-gull og Brasiliansk kolonisasjon . Nordmands-forbundet, 23:45-48 (December, 1930). The story of a gold-seeking expedition that left Trondhjem, Norway, for California in 1850. 170 STUDIES AND RECORDS Biegen, Theodore C. An early Norwegian settlement in Canada. Canadian historical association, Annual report, 1930, p. 83-86. The story of the unsuccessful Norwegian colony at Gaspé. Based in part upon the Closter Papers in the Quaker Archives at Stavanger, Norway. det, 24:10-12 (January, 1931). An account of...

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