
SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO NORWEGIAN-AMERICAN HISTORY IV Compiled by Jacob Hodnefikld Ager, Waldemar. Julius E. Olson. Nordmanns-forbundet, 25: 294-297 (September, 1932). A tribute to Professor Olson, written upon his retirement from the chair of Scandinavian languages and literature at the University of Wisconsin. A discussion of the use of the Norwegian language among Norwegian immigrants and their descendants, emphasizing the first two generations. The author assumes that the second generation will see the end of the use of Norwegian and that fusion into American life will eliminate the original speech of the immigrants. Anderson, Johan. Amerikabreve . Troms0, Bjerrings bok- & aksidenstrykkeri, 1930. 290 p. Letters dated October 29, 1920, to August 19, 1921, that give an account of a journey from Troms0, Norway, to the United States and across the country, with descriptions and critical observations of American life. Anderson, R. B. The discovery of America - Leif Erikson day, October 9th. Skandinaven , October 4, 1932, p. 9. Anniversary recalls career of Viking churchman. Enthusiasm of Rev. B. J. Muus, founder of St. Olaf college, lays foundation for Minnesota faith. Southern Minnesotan , 2:9-10, 19 (July. 1932). The centenary of the birth of B. J. Muus (18S2-1900) was celebrated in the Holden Lutheran church at Kenyon, Minnesota, April 10, 1932. Armstrong, F. C. Erindringer fra mit pelsjaegerliv i Ontario, Canada. Samband, 9:13-20 (March, 1933). Recollections of the life of a trapper and hunter. Ash, Hans. Et norsk str0k i Texas. Nordmanns-forbundet, 25:225-226 (July, 1932). A brief historical account of the Norwegian settlement in Texas. Ask, Mrs. Ole. Glenwood menigheds historie. Decorah-posten, April 28, 1933, p. 3. The Glenwood Norwegian Lutheran congregation, Winneshiek County, Iowa, of which this article is a history, was organized in 1853. 136 RECENT PUBLICATIONS 137 Askeland, H. Cari G. O. Hansen. Nordmanns- jorbundet , 26: 49-50 (February, 1933). Biographical sketch of the editor of Minneapolis Mende. Bay, Juliane S. Strammen hjemover. Nordmanns-jorbundet, 26:340-344 (November, 1933). Bo-migration to Norway, including that from the United States. Berge, G. O. Glimt fra nybyggerlivet; Gulbrand O. Berge fra Vang i Valdres fortœller om sit liv i Amerika fra sin ankörnst til Manitowoc i 1849. Decorah-posten, August 16, 1932, p. 3. Berge emigrated in 1840 and settled in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. This article tells of his experiences in Valdres, Norway, and of his early life in America. Bielland, Olaf. Minder fra Fox River settlementet. Decorahposten , May 29, 1934, p. 3. Recollections of Olaf Bielland, who immigrated in 1880. Blegen, Theodore C. Starting a town in pioneer times; an America letter written by Frithjof Meidell at Springfield, Illinois , in 1855. With a foreword by Theodore C. Blegen. Norden, 4:9-11 (December, 1932). The letter is printed in Norwegian; it describes humorously the typical method of starting new towns along the railways as they were building westward . " Brand, Bert." De f0rste blade af den norské saga i Chicago. Skandinaven , June 27, July 4, 1933, p. 9 in both issues. The title, " The first leaves of the Norwegian saga in Chicago," is indicative of the contents of this article, which is from the pen of a writer in Norway . Brandt, Mrs. R. O. Social aspects of prairie pioneering; the reminiscences of a pioneer pastor's wife. N orwegian- American studies and records, 7:1-46 (1933). Bruce, G. M. Moder- og datterkirker og norsk-amerikansk brobygning. Nordmanns-jorbundet , 27:113-118 (April, 1934). A reply to Sigurd Folkestad and a rebuttal by the latter on the relation between the Norwegian Lutheran churches and synods in the United States and the state church of Norway. Pastor Folkestad considers the Norwegian state church a mother church and the American churches daughter churches, whereas Dr. Bruce gives the American churches a more independent standing. 3, 1934, p. 9-10. A lecture on Norwegian-American relations, given before " Det norské nationalforbund ," Minneapolis. 138 STUDIES AND RECORDS Buch, L. B. Innvandringen til Chicago. Nordmanns-forbundet , 27:75-78 (March, 1934). A survey of Norwegian immigration to Chicago. Buck, S. J. Nelson, Knute (Feb. 2, 1843-Apr. 28, 1923). Dictionary of American biography, 13:418-419 (1934). Butler, Pierce. James Christian Meinich Hanson...

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