
In the years since the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 and the creation there of two independent states, India and Pakistan, a vast amount of scholarly attention has been devoted to the area, its peoples, its problems, and its development. The greater part of this attention, however, has focused upon India and continues to do so. It is perhaps natural that such should be the case: India is much the larger of the two states, has the greater population and the most resources, and to date has wielded the larger influence in world affairs. In the balance of world opinion it has weighed more heavily than Pakistan. Also of significance in determining the direction of scholarly attention during the early days after partition was that India, though newly independent, was a going concern with an organized and functioning government, while Pakistan was an unknown quantity striving to create a government and essential services for itself. India had an established identity in its own mind and in that of the outside world, but Pakistan had still to make its identity. There was much to be studied that was of interest, but documentary and other facilities for the scholar did not exist in those days when Pakistan was struggling for its very survival against a formidable array of opponents and difficulties. Nor was there time and energy to spare, on the part of the able but pitifully small group of leaders and civil servants charged with forming Pakistan's destiny, for reporting, analysing, and reflecting upon the state and accomplishments of the infant country. It was far more important desperately so to participate in the building of Pakistan than to write about it. Those, especially those abroad, who were interested in the affairs of the new Muslim state in the subcontinent found little to feed

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