
Insects require a diet containing a source of energy,a protein source,vitamins and certain mineral salts.The nutrients can influence the quality control parameters of the flies such as mating ability,fecundity,fertility,longevity,pupal weight and adult emergence.Yeast extract(YE)and three chemically composed protein supplements(FA),(FB) and (FC)were tested for their efficiency to provide Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) flies with protein as alternatives for the protein hydrolysate (PS). The shortest flies maturity period expressed in the first couple performance was related to the protein supplement (FC) 1.26, 1.01 and 1.03 days for parents, first and second generations, respectively. The highest numbers of eggs were laid by females fed on the food supplements (FB) 4.13 and (FC) 4.08 in the parents’ generation,(FB)2.81 and(PS)2.79 in the first generation and (PS) 4.29 and (FB) 4.26 in the second generations. The highest and the least egg larval recovery percentages were recorded after flies’ feeding on protein supplement (FC) 97.53% and (PS) 91.17% at the parents’ generation. The highest and the least pupal recovery percentages were observed after flies feeding on (FC) 99.17% and (PS) 90.71% while flies emergence percentages were (FC) 99.81% and (PS) 90.92%. The least male flies mortality percentages were recorded after flies fed on (YE), 12.06%, 3.20% and 3.37% at the parents, first and second generations, respectively while female flies recorded 8.09%, 6.09% and 2.11 at the same generations. Larval measurements and pupal weight of the produced individuals of the four tested protein supplements at the three generations showed non-significant differences in comparison to the standard protein-feeding source (PS).

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