
Abstract We analyze some properties of diagonal lift of tensor fields of type (1,1) in semi-cotangent bundles with the help of adapted frames.


  • We analyze some properties of diagonal lift of tensor fields of type (1,1) in semi-cotangent bundles with the help of adapted frames

  • Defining some structure on the tangent bundles and cotangant bundles to obtain subtle information about the topology and geometry of the manifold is the main way for mathematicians

  • Many authors have been systematically worked on them [1, 2, 9, 13, 14]. One of these studies is analyzing some properties of diagonal lift of tensor fields of type (1,1) in semi-cotangent bundles with the help of adapted frames Let Mn be an n-dimensional differentiable manifold of class C∞ and T (Mn) the tangent bundle determined by a natural projection π1 : T (Mn) → Mn

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Aα Aα yε β βε

Be the cotangent space at a point x of Mn. If pα are components of p ∈ Tx∗(Mn) with respect to the natural coframe {dxα }, i.e. p = pi dxi, by definition the set t∗(Mn) of all points xI = (xα , xα , xα ), xα = pα ; I, J, ... = 1, ..., 3n with projection π2 : t∗(Mn) → T (Mn) (i.e. π2 : (xα , xα , xα ) → (xα , xα )) is a semi-cotangent (pull-back [12]) bundle of the cotangent bundle by submersion π1 : T (Mn) → Mn (For definition of the pull-back bundle, see for example [3], [5], [6], [7]). Be the cotangent space at a point x of Mn. If pα are components of p ∈ Tx∗(Mn) with respect to the natural coframe {dxα }, i.e. p = pi dxi, by definition the set t∗(Mn) of all points xI = (xα , xα , xα ), xα = pα ; I, J, ... It is clear that the pull-back bundle t∗(Mn) of the cotangent bundle T ∗(Mn) has the natural bundle structure over Mn, its bundle projection π : t∗(Mn) → Mn being defined by π : (xα , xα , xα ) → (xα ), and π = π1 ◦ π2. The main purpose of the present paper is to study complete lift of vector fields and tensor fields of type (1,1) from tangent bundle T (Mn) to semi-cotangent (pull-back) bundle (t∗(Mn), π2)

We denote by p
Aαβ α
Aα X β
We denote by Eω the vector field with local components
Fσ β
Lie derivative with respect to
Γα σ
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