
results and interpretations. The ninth-grade Ss were required to know 24 definitions and properties of the real and complex number systems before they began a CAI unit on 11 proofs of the complex field properties. Keats and Hansen stated that the Ss were familiar with the real number system, but this was an informal assessment. The 24 properties and their definitions were reviewed orally before instruction and the first nine minutes of the CAI unit. As a pretest, the authors gave the Reasoning subscale of the PMA Tests. Since the completion of an Algebra I course does not guarantee a uniform knowledge of the properties and terminology of the real number system, it would have made sense to pretest the Ss over this .material to determine entering behavior. In reporting the materials and procedure, Keats and Hansen did not make clear several points that could have affected the results. Were 45 CAI terminals use, one for each subject? If not, how were Ss and groups assigned during the day? How long did the entire study last? The programed units took from three to four hours and it was reported that in some cases, due to the length of the unit, it was necessary for Ss to complete the unit at a later date [p. 116]. Were these late finishers all group III (detailed program)? About how much of the unit did they complete the first day? It was reported that the uncompleted units were all finished within 2 to 5 days. Keats and Hansen did not elect to consider retention and other types of intervention over this period. Returning to the issue of time, it appears that even the Ss who finished worked almost a full day. It would seem that fatigue must be taken into account. Even with the motivational value of a CAI terminal, it is difficult to imagine 15-year-old

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