
The article is a presentation of some results of the author's research on the problems of methodological and forensic support of court proceedings. It emphasizes the importance of creating a basic judicial methodic, which would be the starting point for the formation of methods of judicial review of criminal cases of certain categories. The author's definition of the basic judicial methodic is given. Recommendations are given for resolving typical situations of the initial stage of court proceedings, which include the periods before, during and after the preparatory court hearing. Situations of non-appearance of court participants in court proceedings are considered; complications related to the refusal of defendants in custody to go to the courtroom, the need to suspension the proceedings, the association (separation) of criminal cases, acquaintance with the materials of the pre-trial investigation of persons who entered at this stage of criminal proceedings. Summing up, the author notes that the activities of the court in criminal proceedings consist of successive intellectual and volitional operations for the adoption and realization of various procedural decisions. A procedural decision is an imperious expression of the judge's will on legal issues that arise during the proceedings. Procedural decisions, due to the need to resolve some problematic situations of the initial stage of court proceedings, are closely related to tactical decisions. In many cases, the tactical decision precedes the procedural one, which in this case becomes an element of the system of its implementation. A tactical decision is a choice of the optimal and admissible means (procedural action, reception, operation) based on the analysis of the current situation, the purpose of which is to create favorable conditions for court proceedings by purposefully influencing one or another object. The tactical task of the preparatory court proceedings is to reduce the level of information uncertainty about the final investigative and initial judicial situation, the methods of implementation of which will be discussed in the next article of the author. Keywords: criminalistics methodics, methodic of court proceedings.

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