
Urban planning is considered as a closed loop automatic control problem in welfare space. Limitation of natural resources and pollution control change the structure of this space and introduce new coordinates into it. Therefore, environmental aspects deform the welfare space and change the trajectory of the development of the society, i.e. the way of life of the society changes.Optimization of the settlement pattern is considered as an iterative optimization problem. At one stage socio-economically optimal numbers of inhabitants of the cities are determined by the aid of dynamic programming model; at the other optimal allocation of factories is found by the aid of non-linear model with constraints for the pollution.It is shown that with certain assumptions urban land market (capitalist economy) and central planning (socialist economy) lead to the same urban structure.An economic method of pollution control is presented. The territory polluted by a factory above the allowed standard is considered to be belonging to this factory with payment of the price of land, even when all the territory is actually not used by this factory. To diminish pollution, factories have to make additional investments into technology that is compensated by decreasing the territory they have to pay for.Optimization of the city structure with regard to the environmental factors is considered. Some simple rules for choosing optimal allocation of a factory and its optimal technology from the point of view of pollution control are formulated.

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