
Present study deals with the phytochemi-cals of Holarrhena antidysenterica which are of great therapeutic importance. Holarrhena anti-dysenterica, known to be a powerful medicinal plant has been studied well for the bioactive compounds present in the leaf, bark, seed and roots. In present study, bark and seeds were in-vestigated for phytochemicals. Dry powder of bark and seeds was used for qualitative analysis of phytochemicals and they were found to con-tain alkaloids, carbohydrates, amino acids, phe-nols, tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, flavo-noids, terpinoids, steroids, fixed oils and fats. The main steroidal alkaloid present in Holarrhena an-tidysentrica is conessine which is the main bioac-tive compound. Analysis of conessine is per-formed on TLC aluminium plate pre-coated with silica gel 60 F-254 as stationary phase. Scanning and analysis of plate was carried out in absorp-tion range 200–800 nm. This study involves pre-liminary phytochemical screening, the separation and identification of compounds present in the crude extract of bark and seed of Holarrhena an-tidysenterica by TLC and HPTLC method. The presence of peaks in the TLC and HPTLC exhibit-ed the presence of principle components in the methanolic extracts of bark and seed.

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