
AMMONO GaN is grown spontaneously from ammonia solution in form of regular, well shaped, few micrometer crystals. Photoluminescence spectra of these crystals are characterized by fixed positions of very narrow exciton lines (FWHM down to 1 meV), where free excitons A, B, C, resolved two donor bound excitons and acceptor bound exciton are visible. Fixed position of exciton lines is in contrast to small changes of line energies which have been always observed for epitaxial GaN 1ayers because of strain present in them. Free electron concentration of ΑΜΜOΝO GaN is less than few times 101 5 cm-3 , as estimated from EPR signal of shallow donor. The above-mentioned facts qualified these crystals as state of the art strain-free, model material for basic parameter measurements of GaN. In this work, results of PL and EPR measurements performed on ΑΜΜOΝO GaN crystals are presented and discussed. .

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