
In February, 1893, I read a paper before the Pittsburg S. S. Medical Society on, Strychnia in Obstetric Practice, a synopsis of which appeared in the Therapeutic Gazette of May 15, 1893. Incidentally, in a paper On the Care of Pregnant Women, read by me at the last meeting of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, published in the annual transactions of that Association for 1893, I referred to some of the indications for the administration of strychnia in obstetric practice. R. Bell, in the British Medical Journal , page 715, 1890, refers to strychnia as an aid in parturition, as does Dr. J. C. Edgar in the New York Journal of May 12, 1894. Almost simultaneously with my own paper of May 15, 1893, there appeared in the Medical and Surgical Reporter of May 13,1893, an article on Strychnia vs. Ergot in Obstetric Practice, by G. V. Hall, M.D.,

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