
SUMMARY Diagnostic characters which have been found of use in distinguishing samples of wild white from Dutch clover seed: (a) Frequency with which certain shape types of seed occur in each sample.(b) Average ratio of long diameter of seed to short diameter.(c) Area of cotyledon.(d) Length of petiole of first foliage leaf. All samples, all individuals of one sample, or of one head of wild white clover, do not give a positive reaction for the cyanophoric test. Further diagnostic characters at a later stage of growth, (a) prostrate habit, (b) formation of axillary shoots, are characteristic of wild white clover. Permanence in wild white clover is due to a strongly developed power of vegetative propagation. Dutch clovers are not permanent as they lack this power to different extents. Loss of permanence in cultivated white clover is due to unintentional selection of the non‐permanent type (by the grower), and to cross‐fertilisation by the non‐permanent or Dutch plants growing in the neighbourhood.

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